Our Missionaries
Dedication. Expertise. Passion to Serve Christ.
Our body of believers support missions at home, in South Dakota, across our country, and around the world. We invite you to learn more about these servants of Christ who are spreading the Gospel where we, ourselves, are not able to go.
Teaching Truth International
Jamin and Kristen Eben
Teaching the forgotten pastors who serve in the hidden corners of the world.
TTI conducted seventeen Bible training conferences for just over 1200 pastors and church leaders. The eleven in-person conferences were held in Tanzania, Cost Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and South Asia, and six online conferences were held for church leaders in Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and various countries where persecuted Asian believers live. The Courses Taught: The Bible and Its Story Hermeneutics Homiletics New Testament Intro & Survey Pastoral Ministry Intro to the Pauline Epistles Select Minor Prophets 1 Peter Colossians We kicked off 2024 by launching a new partnership in El Salvador. We continued the medical clinic in Tanzania. We grew to a team of 6 American staff and 3 international workers. Our staff earned 3 new degrees, including a PhD for TTI’s president, Ben Cornish, a PhD for TTI’s vice president, Jamin Eben, and an MDiv for TTI’s director of Latin America, Melvin Castellon. Phase 2 of the Tanzanian construction project was nearly completed.
Agape Technical Support
Ed and Joy James
Our Mission is to help take the guesswork out of implementing and using technology for those who share the Love of Jesus with the world.
Dear Friends, Praise God with us for you! Each of you is a blessing, and it is through your prayers and generous support that we can serve ministry leaders. Please Pray that God will continue to grow our team of prayer warriors and financial partners. We believe He is calling us to do so much more, and we can only do it with the support of those He brings alongside us. Currently, we consistently receive about 60% of our ministry budget. We trust that He will provide for all that He has called us to do. Praise God for the opportunities I (Ed) have had to help several churches, missionaries, and some organizations with tech items. Agape Technical and I have already helped with 10 different projects. Please pray for safe travels as several of these projects have required travel for us. Pray also for Joy and the kids, as Joy has spent the last month sick. Ed has had to cancel one of his travel plans to care for Joy and the kids. Additionally, we will all be traveling to Las Cruces, NM, to share an update with Calvary Baptist Church on March 2. We are excited to be back in our hometown for a few days! Please be praying for us on this trip as well. Thank you for being part of this journey with us. Your prayers and partnership mean more than words can express. With gratitude and love, Ed & Joy
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Caleb Leppert
Caleb is serving with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
We minister in a variety of ways, including planting chapters that reach every corner of campus, sending students to global missions fields, serving the larger Christian Church through our retreat and training centers, and producing award-winning books and video resources.
Love INC
John Ligtenberg
Serving our community through the ministry of Love INC
Our purpose is to walk alongside people on their journey to wholeness through mutual service, education, friendship, and prayer. Love INC fosters collaboration and organizes holistic care to help churches serve their neighbors through resources and relationships. By networking churches together, each church is able to lean into their strengths, knowing that their neighbors will be cared for by the body of Christ within their community.
Shift Garage In Rapid City
You can help
Volunteers helping the needy with auto repairs
The SHIFT GARAGE TEAM exists to help those we serve fully realize the plan Jesus Christ has for their lives. If a need is discovered, we offer deeply discounted repair services. We accomplish this through partnerships with parts suppliers that share our vision. Volunteers also play a key role and serve weekly to help repair vehicles. Because of that we offer vehicle repairs for just the price of parts with no labor costs and no markup on parts.
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Janet Keegan
Janet is our Black Hills Coordinator
CEF® is a Bible-centered, interdenominational, worldwide organization, composed of born-again believers whose purpose and mission are to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, disciple them in the Word of God, and establish them in a Bible-believing church for Christian living.
International Students
Kevin and Heather Fannin
We support Kevin and Heather in their work with international students.
Jesus tells us to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). Each year, over 1 million international students attend universities and colleges across the United States. God is bringing the nations to us. These students are among the brightest and best from their nations. Many of them will hold positions of influence in their communities, nations, or even the world after they complete their studies. It is a strategic opportunity for the Body of Christ! It is estimated that by the year 2025, 50% of all world leaders will have been international students. Currently, there are over 1.3 million international students studying in the US, and over 4.5 million studying worldwide today. We believe if we can share Christ’s love with even more of these future leaders, we can positively impact the world and strategically advance the Great Commission. International students are: Open to friendship Curious about their host culture and customs Often spiritually hungry Often representing many of the least-reached nations of the world Future influencers in their nations and across the world A strategic force for completing the Great Commission
Creator's Fellowship Church

Chad and Sarah Deible
On the Plains of South Dakota
We are a group of people, from different walks of life, that have been forever changed by the mercy and goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Positioned in Oglala Lakota County, we desire to demonstrate that love to the world around us in the context of the culture our Creator has put us in. Creator's Fellowship is a ministry located in Porcupine, SD. With your giving this year we are able to partner with a local non-profit, support our dialysis patients and staff with meals, offer financial support to a local Bible teaching church in our area and host a few different small groups where we are doing life with the community and people around us. We have also started to partner physically and financially with a local children's home that is an ememrgency placement center for kids 0-12 years old. God has also used your gifts to go towards the puchase of a "newer" church van. We would be honored if you would join us in prayer as we cry out to God to move and change lives in mighty ways this year.
South Dakota Right to Life
Anne Hanson
Anne Hanson is President of SDRTL
This is an excerpt from an article Anne Hanson wrote in the Winter 2025 SDRTL newsletter. The 10 pregnancy resource centers in South Dakota can attest to the fact that pro-lifers do so much in order to take care of both the mother, as well as the baby, throughout pregnancy and well into the child’s life. In fact, the more than 4,000 pregnancy resourcescenters acrossthe United States can show first hand that both moms and babies are taken cre of, not only during pregnancy, but for their entire life. Recently, I heard a story from a South Dakota pregnancy resource center relating to this exact topic. At first, the mother came into the resource center unsure about what to do after finding out that she was unexpectedly pregnant. Feeling anxious about this situation, the mother met with a client advocate who continued to walk alongside both she and the baby’s father throughout the entire duration of the pregnancy. Both mom and dad attended “Earn While You Learn” classes and began to feel more prepared, as well as a greater sense of peace about the situation. A few months later, the couple welcomed their baby with joy. This new family was given the support and tools they needed from a pregnancy resource center.
Teaching in Paraguay

Eric and Molly Wahl
Supporting the work of missionaries by teaching their children.
Eric and Molly Wahl, with their 5 children, are living in Paraguay as Eric teaches Social Studies to 5 grade levels at the Asuncion Christian School, founded in 1963. Today there are more than 200 students from Paraguay, the U.S., Germany, Taiwan, and South Korea. They are working through the organization TeachBeyond.org. "We believe that Christ-centered education is a powerful force for the transformation of individuals and societies."